Hear how American women won the right to vote in an inspiring program featuring a multimedia performance of Andrea Ramsey’s Suffrage Cantata.  Our 100-voice chorus will perform in the University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts.

We’ll further explore the concert theme through seven short pieces in addition to the cantata:

  • “Homeland” by Gustav Holst and Randall Stroope
  • “Old Grandma,” a Canadian folk song arranged by Alice Parker
  • “Half the World” by Dale Trumbore (text by Frederick Douglas)
  • “Resilience” by Abbie Betinis
  • “When the Time Comes” by Melissa Dunphy (text by Ruth Bader Ginsburg)
  • “I Am Possibility” by David Von Kampen (text by Becky Boesen)
  • “Still I Rise” by Rosephanye Powell (with inserted text by Maya Angelou)

You can learn more about the program in a recorded video preview by our artistic director, Peter Steenblik. He’ll post it on the Choral Society’s YouTube channel on March 3.

Buy tickets here,  or phone Andy Metzger at 850-484-1847 (Pensacola State College’s Department of Performing Arts box office).

If you have concerns about accessibility or any other questions, please email support@choralsocietyofpensacola.org.

Graphic: John Medzerian